Santa Eulalia

I´ve arrived at my new least for the next 10 weeks. I am living with a very nice family. They speak no English, so it´s a challenge everyday to communicate!! There are super patient! I´m becoming spoiled by their service. I have 9 hrs of training each day which is going to be very intense. We´ve already received a number of assignments which require us to interview various business owners and community members. There are a few volunteers who are quite fluent in Spanish, but many, like me, are far from it!! I am learning a lot, though. Today I had six hours of Spanish class.
The food is wonderful. My ¨mom¨ and ¨sister¨ cook some very tasty meals. Each meal i can expect rice potatoes and chicken, but the sauses vary. Also, every morning i enjoy a fresh(about as fresh as it gets) glass of papaya juice. Avacados are also quite popular here(i love it).

This is my host father. He´s quite the character. He enjoys telling me jokes...that i don´t understand...and then laughing at me. I generally laugh with him...and pretend like i know what´s going on.
My host brother, Christian and family friend/cook, Elisa